Sadly the Kickstarter wasn't successful. But I guess it was inevitable, Dollo isn't the best option commercially... rather a

So the Dollo rebuild: I took a 360W 12V PSU from my Tronxy X5S (going to convert that to 24V with DuetWifi at later time) and things are moving. I wired most things and running some movement gcode the wear the X and Y parts in a bit: Some 50000 movement lines, seems to work fine, no skipped steps and moving quite smoothly after few hours.
Wiring is a mess, but I'll clean it up once I figure how...

Got the hotend wiring PCB printed and mounted. It has connectors for the wiring so swapping hotends is easier, no need to rewire whole thing. I have similar connector on my Tronxy, been working fine for a while:
2019-03-29 19.54.41.jpg

Going with the old 21cm bed for now. Printed some adapters for the bed carriage to allow mounting the smaller bed on it. Need longer bolts to get the bed mounted on it:
2019-03-29 19.55.04-1.jpg

Tomorrow maybe try some printing...