Hmm it seems Dropbox has changed things and previous links aren't working anymore. Well the link to the Dollo-folder works:

Got the frame stabilized, seems to work fine during printing. Stabilizer parts do restrict access to inside of the printer, I might have to rethink them later. But it works:

Had some problems with RAMPS, hot end FET had a broken leg which caused some smoke to erupt. Luckily i have extra LM1117 5V regulators so I could fix the Arduino. I changed the setup so that RAMPS doesn't power the Arduino, instead I installed Octoprint to Raspberry pi and mounted it on the frame. Raspi powers the Arduino, seems to be working well. Now all my printers are run by Octoprint. Had to change hostnames for the Octoprint instances so there's no name collisions in my LAN.

Also installed a bed level sensor to autolevel the bed:

The sensor is LJ18A3-8-Z/BX, 8mm NPN inductive sensor. Operating voltage is 6-36V, but it seemed to work with 5V. Still, I soldered a voltage divider on it and feed 12V to it, voltage divider lowers the signal voltage to 5V. Marlin config and tuning the distance took some time, but now it seems to work ok.