Long time since last update, been busy with other things. But now it's my vacation and been finalizing stuff like extruder and bed attachment and doing cable management (which I don't like that much for some reason).

Springy things for attaching bed. Not pictured here, but bed level adjustment is built in with screws.


Did not take pictures of the extruder, but it's a remix of this: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2243325. Modified to work with E3D Hob Goblin.

Other pictures:

And it does print, even though I had some problems with bed leveling. Currently don't have heated bed, only a glass so bed adhesion isn't the best possible.

First prints. Need some tuning but the cable clips are very usable (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:585580).

Currently printing a bit larger box: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ikk0vk5soc...36.53.jpg?dl=0. Uneven bed and Dollo's bit wobbly movement shows a bit here. X and Y axis need some time to get honed in so just need to print more stuff.