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Thread: Help

  1. #1

    Help - unable to get firmware right

    I have bought this printer:

    I was trying to uprade the printer to auto level, asked the seller for a new firmware that suported autolevel he as sent me this:

    Due to a problem whit the usb chip i could not upload the firmware, so i decided to have replaced the melzi with a ramps kit
    (Ramps 1.4 Kit + Mega 2560 r3 + 5x a4988 + LCD 2004 Display)

    Needless to say that i don't know much (to sai the least) about programing.

    Now i have received the ramps 1.4 board.

    Made all the conections, and it seams ok.

    But i can't managed to get the firmware right, downloaded and tried to made the changes of the board.

    Can someone please send me the firmware to upload to ramps
    Last edited by Chaparro1973; 05-04-2016 at 03:31 AM. Reason: Bad links

  2. #2
    Senior Engineer
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Burnley, UK
    Your links do not work. You have no chance of solving this if people cannot see what you are needing fixed..

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Lone Star State
    Quote Originally Posted by Mjolinor View Post
    Your links do not work. You have no chance of solving this if people cannot see what you are needing fixed..
    Agreed! And it would also be nice to have a more descriptive title to the thread.

  4. #4
    Sorry about that, just updated links and title

  5. #5
    Are you having issues getting the ramps to connect to the computer or, are you looking for the proper firmware?

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