The MakerFarm Prusa i3 8" printer is easy to assemble. Every part and item of hardware is supplied, except the sheet of glass to go on the print pad, and the power supply. There is a series of videos on YouTube which take you through the step-by-step assembly and there is a build instruction document with further information.

The electronic controller comes already flashed, so there is no need to worry about that. The calibration of the three axes simply involves turning a screw until the endstop switches operate. Levelling of the Z-axis simply involved turning the threaded rods to make the extruder head go up or down so it clears the printer pad by about 2 thou of an inch (thickness of photocopy paper). If you are able to heat a bit of wire and dab some solder onto it, then you are OK.

Old Man Emu

Help from the manufacturer is only an email away. And of course you can ask those of here who have already got theirs up and running if you strike a problem.