Hey there,

i feel like i'm almost there after having waded through a huge amount of information but i thought perhaps it was worth getting some input.

i'm looking to get an entry level 3d printer for product design and prototyping. after much research as far as i can see there seems to be a few clear winners on the low end of the market that stand out for both quality and value.

i've narrowed my interest down to the Mendel90, Prusa Hephestos and Printrbot Simple Metal. Of those I'm leaning towards the Mendel90.

one thing i am curious about is, not being particularly familiar with the 3d printing landscape as it stands right now, are there any models on the near horizon in the same ballpark as the above mentioned in terms of quality and cost, but potentially better value because of improvements?

the mendel90 looks really great, but it seems to have been around for a while now. i realise due to its open nature the potential for upgradeability means it can be constantly improved, so i guess i'm asking, there's no reason to hold off buying something like the mendel90 in preference of something better that's about to come out?

also, if you have any other recommendations please do let me know. i'm attracted to the mendel90 because of its resolution, print speeds, build volume and reputation of its seller.