Ok legitimate question, Why bother?

You say that g-code is much larger than needed from a microcontroller's perspective, ok fine, I accept that. But what benefit does shrinking the file actually have? SD cards aren't wanting for space so having multiple files on a card isn't a concern. Printing speed, at least for fdm and sla machines, is limited due to mechanical or material properties so having a lighter weight file that is easier to process isn't going to speed things up at all. I can see the potential for better print quality from a delta machine but only in the case of curves where existing firmwares are calculating a bunch of smaller lines that emulate a curve. Having a file that is quicker to process could allow for more calculations allowing for shorter lines and therefore smoother curves but it is my understanding that this really isn't a huge concern for the most part. So I'm just curious why you're putting in all this work and what you hope to gain from it. If it's an exercise in "because i can" then by all means continue with your work and I hope your results are good.