I did a bulk filament order with Zeni Kinetic in March 2014. I was supposed to receive the order in approximately 1 month after the transfer of funds. I received about 10% of the order extremely late in August 2014. After many months of back and forth and many broken promises I asked for the remaining $23012 in December 2014 to be refunded as it became clear my product was not going to come thru and I had no choice but to go with another supplier to keep my business open..

To now (March 2015) I have not received any money and I have no clear commitment from Zeni Kinetic. All my interactions with Zeni Kinetic were through their CEO/Owner, Nicco Macintyre, who - after 100's of phone calls nearly all of them ignored. – I learned that Nicco is a very dishonest person, blaming his employees for all the issues and giving me empty promises without any tangible actions to follow. From expired deadlines to promises of partial monthly repayments ABSOLUTELY nothing has taken place and none of my money has been returned back to me. Zeni Kinetic has continued to grow and offer additional products and purchase expensive industrial machinery while still owing me money.

To me this seems as a big slap in the face of the whole open source community. It's the intellectual honesty of hundreds if not thousands of mostly unpaid developers and enthusiast with whom's work and feedback Zeni Kinetic’s business would not even be possible. It's appalling to me that they resort to using stolen money to pursue their dreams and expand business.

I have given Zeni Kinetic plenty of time and many opportunities to make good on this order and on the refund. At this point I have had to retain an attorney to take legal action to recover my money. Having to go this route not only takes large amounts of time and effort but will cause me to loose thousands of dollars for legal fees. This is unacceptable and the reason why I decided to take this public. As a last open request to Nicco Macintyre to get this right and to settle this $23012 balance NOW. I hope it also serves as a reminder to the rest of you that there are dishonest people in the reprap community so please careful where and how you buy your products.

Please post your experiences and thanks for reading
