Quote Originally Posted by Timaz View Post
GeeeTech is a 100% Chinese company best known for ripping off SparkFun: https://www.sparkfun.com/news/488

The "Me Ducer" (totally not Chinese name there right?) has been on Taobao for months: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=44275913278 but it so spectacularly bad they have not managed to sell even one.

A lot of companies here in China are hiring foreigners to front for them (we call it White Monkey work) for 3D printers and Kickstarters. It in no way reflects any affiliation with Western companies or engineers.

There are some fantastic 3D printers in China- and no reason to trust shady companies with deceptive advertising.
Saying things like "industrial strength acrylic chasis" and "German industry super powerful performance" should have been my tip offs. ha ha.