3DPB.com forum member Geoff has impressed us with a new 3D print of a somewhat old design. From a Robo Kitty design released circa 2009 by Sanctum Art, a free model that came with Poser v8 software, Geoff has updated the files to be 3D printable -- which took a lot of work. Geoff reworked the design in Blender, then took the OBJ files in ZBrush to modify them to be STL-ready. He then printed the parts for Robo Kitty using his FlashForge Dual 3D printer. And this is just the start. Robo Kitty already looks great, and has movable head and shoulder joints, but Geoff's process isn't done yet -- this is Robo Kitty v 1.0. Read more about his process in the full story: http://3dprint.com/51801/robo-kitty-3d-printed/ (article link goes live early tomorrow morning)