Hi, from personal experience. I have 6 printers. 5 of them are made by the same manufacturer. The 6th is made by someone else.

I use the 5 printers 95% of the time, because I know them so well. I can repair one with my eyes closed, I can re-write the firmware in my sleep and I can print the most amazing looking, and difficult prints you can come up with, in ABS.

I spent thousands of hours, learning how to use these machines. If they burned to the ground, I would be able to build a new one in a day with just my spare parts. These machines run my business, they each cost 700 brand new and have made 10x that since the business started. It isnt a ton of money, but they have paid for themselves a few times. I plan on buying a 3D scanner with the money that these machines are bringing in.

It doesnt matter what machine you get, it matters how you use it!!!

As warren buffet says, learning is earning!!