We will soon have yet another 3D printing pen available. The CreoPop 3D printing pen is different from all the rest. Instead of using FDM technology like the 3Doodler and others, they use SLA technology. This means there is no melting of plastics. Instead they use a UV light to cure a photoresin. The pen will presell on Indiegogo later this month for $89. More details on Creopop can be found here: http://3dprint.com/5295/creopop-sla-3d-printing-pen/. The company will make all sorts of cool resins with varying properties available upon launch. There will be conductive, glow-in-the-dark, magnetic, and other resins for sale.

What do you guys think? Will it be worth the $89? Are these 3D printing pens really worth it? Below is a picture of the pen: