Quote Originally Posted by Hall_of_Famer View Post
That's an excellent point! Something I haven't even though about before your post. Is there a certain spec that tells of the X/Y accuracy? Funny thing is I don't think I've ever seen it listed on 3D Printers spec sheets. If this is so important, it should be something all 3D Printers including this OWL Nano should let us know about.
You see the stat on most pro machines and occasionally a personal class machine. It's typically listed in +/- microns as a variance or resolution. There may be several reasons it doesn't get listed. Sometimes, the numbers aren't worth bragging about. Other times, a machine maker might not know how to measure it. Z-resolution is software adjustable, while X/Y typically isn't.

I don't want to make it sound like machines that don't list it are bad, because I've seen great prints from machines that don't list it.