I don't think I'm missing the point. I don't need to convert to x3g, if the print program will do it for me.

Interestingly, the documentation for replicatorg is somewhat ambiguous, but I do find another reference that says that makerbot printers don't directly read gcode, but that the desktop programs have "built-in" translators to turn the gcode to x3g code on the fly.

That being the case, you still don't need to do an explicit conversion in replicatorg; you can load a gcode file and print from it. Whether there's an internal convertor or not is kind of beside the point for what I'm thinking of.

If the Cura slicer is much better than skeinforge, and produces a robust and more configurable object, then I would be interested in getting that object to print on my flashforge. Since I run linux, and GPX is not an option, I think it should be possible to use replicatorg as my 'run-time engine', by modifying the bits of gcode that set up the printer to operate correctly.

I'm going to do more research and try to determine if it can be done. I'll report on my findings.

