Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
you have to go up to 250% width before s3d creates decent infill - ie: every layer bonded with the one above and below.
It's the single worst aspect of the program that it just won't create solid infill.

For things that need to be strong I use makerware. A 10% infill with makerware is stronger than a 60% infill with s3d. Because it forms a solid interior mesh. Each layer bonds with the ones above and below.

Given how simple a thing this would be to implement - I just don't understand why s3d don't do it.
So true! I've been having the same problems. On small prints its easy to get a solid infill with S3D. But as soon as you try and print something bigger, the Infill looks just like the above pictures. Its frustrating. I just want a good layer on layer infill option in S3D. And not try to mess around with infill width. If I increase the infill width, the first cm looks nice and strong, then it starts to build peaks and ridges. Then when the peaks and ridges get high enough, it strings the infill. And now I don't have a solid infill. And now I have an object that looks good on the outside, but cant take any force with out crinkling.