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  1. #1

    Recomend for newbie

    Hi everyone! Last time I'm very interested in 3d printers. I have no a lot of money and decide to buy parts on aliexpress and make 3d printer. But I don't know what parts/details I need. Also I find this printer kit. My question is can I make 3d printer from parts without any experiense or better is to buy he3d kit? And what the price different between printer kit and separate datails? And exists any guide for making 3d printer from the parts?
    Manual, I find;)
    Last edited by Chubrick; 02-19-2015 at 03:28 AM.

  2. #2
    For that price, I would be worried about the quality of the components - the bearings may not be much good, likewise the rails. You may have problems with the RAMPS board (cheap chinese boards have known problems with low quality MOSFETs driving the heated bed - although this kit doesn't seem to have a heated bed). The hot end will most likely have jamming or feed problems. I'm not fond of the acrylic frame myself, as they can crack.

    If you source the parts yourself, you can be reasonably certain of the quality. Spending a reasonable amount on a decent hot end, for example, will save you loads of problems down the road. If you take a look at Amazon or ebay, you can find electronics packages, vitamin (nuts and bolts) packages and a frame for a reasonable price. You can always buy the nuts and bolts from your local hardware store, so long as you can find reasonable quality stainless steel.

  3. #3


    I'm confused..
    I've just recently started to deal with 3d printing and it's hard for me. In addition I'm from Russia, sorry for my bad english.
    I've realized that printer parts are:
    1) Ramps and board.. I'm some misunderstanding this. RAMPS is a brain of printer – controller, which manage with motors and extruder and heating table. Right? And what do the arduino board?
    2) Extruder – parts – hotend nozzle with termosensor and pressing system (motor + wheel). And heating table. Does extruder from 3d printed parts is normal, or I need to buy ready extruder? What do the cooler do on the extruder? It cools up part of nozzle, right?
    3) 4 motors for position (two for X and Y and two for Z asix)
    4) Rails and movement bushings
    5) LCD for show info about printing
    6) Motor driver modules. What do they do for fact? For example, RAMSP "says" to motor "move 125 degrees" and motor driver translate command to... to what? Or it isn't right? Does motor driver modules standart is common, can I use any motor for 3d printers with it?
    5) Power system. What power system should I use?
    8) And last is frame from any material to connect all the parts.
    Are any parts what I forgot?
    What parts I can bought from China, and what parts is important and need to be more qualitative?

  4. #4
    Technologist GOC's Avatar
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    Huron County, MI
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    - If your going to undertake a build I would make sure you have the following:

    1) Skills in the DIY arts. (Wood working, metal working, basic wiring, basic circuits, ect...)
    2) Basic 3D printing & GCode knowledge
    3) A lot of patience

    - If your in question about any of the requirements listed I would start with a pre-built.

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