Well, the PRINTinZ board came in and it was exact on the size as requested. It replaces my glass bed with buildtak for sure..

I did my first print on it and I am over the moon of this board.. Why didn't we have this a long time ago..
Printed me a small piece with sharp corders (double calibration piece) but it stuck.. After taking out the board, I tried to pull the part of with my fingers but no way it came of..
But with the slightest bend you could hear it crack of .. Came of perfectly clean and with a shiny bottom side!!

here it is installed .. Clipped to the hotbed

For me it is sure.. No more messing around with Blue tape, Kapton, Gluestick or any juice :-) and no more BuildTak, this was starting to wear out and loosing grip on sharp corners..
So if you are looking for an alternative, this is one to, at least, consider.. (shameless plug http://printinz.com/)

For the vertex I have them cut a plate with size 214 x 238 .. as this is not a standard size they have the will send you a paypal payment request..
excluding shipping it costs me $57 (+$20 for outside US) but in my opinion it is money well spent!!