Hi All

I am a noob but have been reading lots for about a month now. I am pretty set on getting a makerfarm i3v but am probably 8-12 months away from being able to purchase. I am in an apartment and have some space in the family/living room or a non heated but insulted atached storage closet outside on the patio.

So questions revolve around environment and steps between now and then.

  1. I live in Flagstaff, AZ at 7100 feet Elavation, it gets below freezing in the winter and can get up to 95F in the summer, should I even consider the closet on the patio?
  2. Seems like the family room is going to be where it goes, but I have read about micro particles and smell, plus I'm betting these are noisy, are there any other environmental concerns I should know about?
  3. Read that really large post a few pages in about enclosures, is that standard operating procedure to build an enclosure once you start to get a hang for the printer and develop an understanding? Do people put foam in them to dampen noise?
  4. Size, seems like the general thought here is buy the biggest one you can afford, but is the space needed for the 12" much bigger than the 8" or is it just 4" bigger in each of the 3 axis? I see folks mention warping with large prints, do I need an enclosure or heat lamps to print large prints? Trying to decide if should go with a smaller one.

Thanks for your wisdom, I have really enjoyed reading and lurking so far.
