Hi all,

I have recently purchased a CubePro Duo for our office as a small scale backup printer. So far I have managed to get about 2-3 prints to actually work in it and approximately 20 failures.

One of the major problems I have is that parts either shift or pop off of the build platen and basically that's the end of the build.
The second major problem is the parts warping and slightly curling off the platen. When this happens the print head basically runs into the build, melts the material all over the head and as before, the entire print is ruined, not to mention I have to clean a bunch of abs or pla off of the heads.

I very much appreciate that this is not a pro machine by any means, but it should still f@#$ing work!

I was wondering if anyone else out there has one of these and has gotten it to work consistently and successfully? Do you have any tips and tricks?

Any help is greatly appreciated.