Quote Originally Posted by tsteever View Post
There is no speed slider per say. Can you give me some target numbers to shoot for?
Currently, you're set too fast (especially for a small/thin part) considering the build quality of your printer. Getting good prints at higher speeds takes a fair bit of mechanical tuning (tightening everything, adding LOTS of vibration dampening materials, bolting the printer down to something rigid). To get better quality out of what you have built right now, take print speed down to 30mm and you might need to reduce heat when you do as well. Also, I noticed you have Diameter set to 3mm, have you measured your filament? It is unusual for anything but the nicest of filaments to be perfectly spot on 3mm.

Chadd gave an excellent suggestion for some test objects you can use in your tests, and TopJimmyCooks' advice to use extruder offset is sound as well. To add an offset in Cura, click the Start/End-GCode tab, then click Start Code. Just above the end of the code where it says "M117 Printing...", add the line G1 Z--, substituting your offset for --. For example, if you want an offset of 0.05, then the end of your starting GCode should look like this:

;Put printing message on LCD screen
G1 Z0.05
M117 Printing...