
None of the issues were related to the 3 different printers I've had over the last 4 years. All the issues were related to the process of FDM/FFF. If all you're printing is smallish objects with PLA or ABS I agree, success is not too hard. Get the bed properly leveled, Z height set right, and both nozzles at the exact same height and all will be pretty easy to start. However move to larger objects, long thin geometry on the bed, different materials, 2 extruder operation, and it gets much more involved. That's why there are websites with pages and pages of advice on how to and why the slicers have so many parameters.

I have not personally done the 36 hour or more print, about 24 is about it, but I don't always start out with a full roll so not sure if there is enough to complete the print hence the mid print feed of filament. Most of my stuff is for actual use with nylon so 100% fill is why it takes a lot of material.

Just trying to put forth realistic expectations for someone thinking about commercial use. No it's not hard but does take some time to learn. Homework?
