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  1. #1
    Technician postmahomeson's Avatar
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    Which 3d printer is best for me

    I am looking for a 3d printer for this Christmas thats the closest to this details ( and I believe their is a lot of groups who would love these specifications ) please feel free to keep me posted on the new unveils ,etc I am looking for a 3d printer that
    * multi material accepts metal , nylon , wood , pla , abs , food , drinks , pet ,electronics , polycarbonate and accepts experimental and homemade materials
    *acecpts files in acsii ,binary and binary color with asylum ,STB , PLY , OBJ ,OBB , IGES , Step and more
    * acecpts Bluetooth , wifi , SD cards , All USB
    * acecpts all printable cad software
    *swappable extenders and interchangeable parts ( and pre assembled )
    * professional and industrial quality
    * full color , user friendly , quiet , with good insurance and customer service , and reliable
    * built in ventilation and reusable filters ,
    * fast as in 30 ml / min or faster
    * with interchangeable filament sizes
    Larger Build envelopes of at least 17 in x 17 in x 24 in or larger
    * under $4,500 Canadian currency
    * interchangeable plugs for travel as well easy portable extensions/foldable for easy storage
    Acecpts batteries , wireless power and power cord
    *end of list

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    You forgot to add the moon on your wish list.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by truly_bent View Post
    You forgot to add the moon on your wish list.
    That's going to need a larger build envelope.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    apart from the build volume the hyrel comes amazingly close. Once they add the metal sintering head and the electronics add-in head and make the build volume bigger - it'll be pretty damn near bang on :-)

    But basically you want the moon on a stick and you're not prepared to pay for the stick.

  5. #5
    Technician postmahomeson's Avatar
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    besides the point in the cost under $4,500 how much will that cost then ?

  6. #6
    Staff Engineer
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    Well, the base Hyrel System 30 printer is $3,995 on special right now with two heads thrown in, but its build area is slightly smaller than you want, so you would have to contact them for a price on a custom machine.

    The special price bundles come with the basic paste extrusion head and the basic filament extrusion head. Additional print heads range from $225 to $625 depending on the capabilities. The Hyrel printers all support up to 4 simultaneous print heads, and the heads are hot-swappable.

    I'm a little unclear what you mean by "Swappable extenders" and I'm a little too busy to do the math on how many mm/s print speed you want (printers are not rated by volume print rate, as that is highly variable depending on the shape being printed.)

  7. #7
    Staff Engineer Davo's Avatar
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    Howdy. I do sales, training and support for Hyrel printers. I appreciate the nice things people are saying about our products, but I don't think any of them have actually used one, so make your own decisions. I don't recommend that ANYONE purchase a 3D Printer without having some experience with it first. We do this in person, at our shop (in Atlanta), or via skype and teamviewer, where you can operate and watch the printer.

    As to your requirements...

    Quote Originally Posted by postmahomeson View Post
    I am looking for a 3d printer for this Christmas thats the closest to this details ( and I believe their is a lot of groups who would love these specifications ) please feel free to keep me posted on the new unveils ,etc I am looking for a 3d printer that
    * multi material accepts metal , nylon , wood , pla , abs , food , drinks , pet ,electronics , polycarbonate and accepts experimental and homemade materials
    We have tested our MK1 heads with ABS, BendLay, HIPS, LayWoo-d3, NinjaFlex, Nylon, PET, PLA, Plastink Rubber, PP, PVA and T-Glase. We have users who use other materials, including proprietary, in-house materials.

    Our other heads (VOL, KRA, COD, VCD) have printed materials including wax, RTV Silicone, bone scaffolding, polyurethane (artificial cartilage), biogels, photoinitiated resins, precious metal clay, procelain... I guess I need to compile a complete list some day.

    We don't sell materials, so as long as your material will flow in our heads, there shouldn't be a problem. You have complete control over every aspect of your print, including live control of temperature, cooling, flow rate and Z positioning.

    Quote Originally Posted by postmahomeson View Post
    *acecpts files in acsii ,binary and binary color with asylum ,STB , PLY , OBJ ,OBB , IGES , Step and more
    We process .stl files. You can model and slice on any software you like. We include FreeCAD, OpenSCAD, Slic3r and MeshLab, with recipes for Slic3r.

    Quote Originally Posted by postmahomeson View Post
    * acecpts Bluetooth , wifi , SD cards , All USB
    It has a full computer, but no built in bluetooth or SD reader.

    Quote Originally Posted by postmahomeson View Post
    * acecpts all printable cad software
    We process .stl files. See above

    Quote Originally Posted by postmahomeson View Post
    *swappable extenders and interchangeable parts ( and pre assembled )
    Yes, any of our printers can take up to four of our extruders at once, and they are hot swappable, pre-assembled, and tested before shipping. As are the printers.

    Quote Originally Posted by postmahomeson View Post
    * professional and industrial quality
    You be the judge.

    Quote Originally Posted by postmahomeson View Post
    * full color , user friendly , quiet , with good insurance and customer service , and reliable
    What does full color mean? The printer is black, stainless and aluminum. The touchscreen is full color. You can load whatever filaments you like. Try it out free via skype/teamviewer and decide about the rest for yourself.

    Quote Originally Posted by postmahomeson View Post
    * built in ventilation and reusable filters ,
    An air filter is an option. There is a ventilation opening on the back.

    Quote Originally Posted by postmahomeson View Post
    * fast as in 30 ml / min or faster
    Our default print speed is 30mm/sec. How many ml/min this is will depend on your path width and layer height. We are not the fastest 3D printer.

    Quote Originally Posted by postmahomeson View Post
    * with interchangeable filament sizes
    We presently only print with 1.75mm filament at up to 250C. We have a prototype working at up to 350C, but it is not in production. We do not presently print in 3mm filament.

    Quote Originally Posted by postmahomeson View Post
    Larger Build envelopes of at least 17 in x 17 in x 24 in or larger
    Our build volume is a little over 8x8x8". For another $1000, I can give you another 4" in the Z. We should have a gantry model with a larger print area later this year, but nothing now.

    Quote Originally Posted by postmahomeson View Post
    * under $4,500 Canadian currency
    The standard System 30M, as mentioned above, is $3995.00 US, plus shipping. This comes with two heads: two MK1s, or two EMO-25s, or one of each.

    Quote Originally Posted by postmahomeson View Post
    * interchangeable plugs for travel as well easy portable extensions/foldable for easy storage
    The printer is powered by a standard PC power supply, which can be set for 115v or 230v. We only provide the US power cord, and the System 30M is not designed to be carried around. The Engine, without an enclosure, is much more portable.

    Quote Originally Posted by postmahomeson View Post
    Acecpts batteries , wireless power and power cord
    *end of list
    We require 115v or 240v.

    Why don't you read our literature, watch our videos, and then give me a call if you want to know more about our printers. I'll be happy to give you a virtual orientation and drive test.

    I don't want to sell you a unit unless it's the right printer for your needs and expectations, and you won't know that without investigating it yourself.

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