I am looking for a 3d printer for this Christmas thats the closest to this details ( and I believe their is a lot of groups who would love these specifications ) please feel free to keep me posted on the new unveils ,etc I am looking for a 3d printer that
* multi material accepts metal , nylon , wood , pla , abs , food , drinks , pet ,electronics , polycarbonate and accepts experimental and homemade materials
*acecpts files in acsii ,binary and binary color with asylum ,STB , PLY , OBJ ,OBB , IGES , Step and more
* acecpts Bluetooth , wifi , SD cards , All USB
* acecpts all printable cad software
*swappable extenders and interchangeable parts ( and pre assembled )
* professional and industrial quality
* full color , user friendly , quiet , with good insurance and customer service , and reliable
* built in ventilation and reusable filters ,
* fast as in 30 ml / min or faster
* with interchangeable filament sizes
Larger Build envelopes of at least 17 in x 17 in x 24 in or larger
* under $4,500 Canadian currency
* interchangeable plugs for travel as well easy portable extensions/foldable for easy storage
Acecpts batteries , wireless power and power cord
*end of list