Quote Originally Posted by icanthinkofanid View Post
As for the bed leveling a friend pointed out to me last night that it appears that it could be taking bed leveling measurements with the first pass off the raft. When it gets to the corners(all 4) it seems to be stoping and checking the gap the going on all while filament is extruding(slightly). When it's doing that the screen says "warming up" but you know it's already warm when it's extruding. The second pass it doesn't stop it just keeps on moving. That could be the bed leveling on those stops.
Cool, a clip of the whole startup procedure would be good to see to pick apart what it's actually doing.

Honestly I have never stopped and read the kickstarter comments yet, until now. I'm shocked some people are being so negative. Most complaints are lack of updates, surprising tho because m3d has been updating monthly if not more often. This is the first month they missed their update by a few days. Last update was December 19. Some people need to lighten up and realize this is a upstart thing. There will be delays. I've backed 23 different KS campaign's(4 other 3d printers) and not a single one of them has given updates as often as m3d. Also every single one of them were 3+ months late on delivery, does that surprise anyone?
It is probably not so unbearable for you because you already have yours and are in constant communication with M3D, but for the rest of us, we have no idea at all what is going on at M3D. To us, it seems like they've just dropped off the face of the planet and nothing is getting done. Your videos are really the only proof that the thing even exists and works... so we really appreciate what you're doing in keeping us up to date.