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Thread: Porosity issues

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    Porosity issues

    Hello Peachy Crew..Just thought I would share my thoughts on the porosity issue on the Venus model..
    I was wondering if you factored bouyancy into your lift volume feedback that adjusts your Z axis for the next slice on the print..what I mean is

    Perhaps you should measure the uncured resin volume and lift volume prior to curing then remove the projected print volume from your resin volume.
    ..then affix a finished print to the tray and sink it again into the cure vat,as if its a finished print and measure your volume..
    do this with perhaps varying prints, varying in volume and density then measure the volume displacement within the cure vat.
    This displacment might have been accounted for already if so ignore the following. I noticed in one of your earlier videos that you have a constant gravity feed for the lift volume to rise and it measures each drop that enters into the cure vat. I'm assuming that this feed volume per drip is a constant based on estimated cure time. But your resin volume rides on the lift volume and isnt subject to displacement. But as your print grows in volume it is now within the lift volume adding a varying displacement within the cure vat during print which is subject to each unique finished print.
    If you havent accounted for lift volume displacement I project that the laser is zeroing prematurely and creates a burst in the layer temp much like in the base of the Venus model (as the first few layers preheat the resin)...this then can creates an encapsulated gap... as it apptemts to reach cure temp and and finally closes the burst layer the washing away washing away the uncured leaving a burst. (the burst varying in size according to where in the slice layer its interrupted when the Z layer is adjusted)
    Hope this for the stippling (random dimpling) I sent you a pm...your gravity basin temp might need a filament warmer to keep the feed temp closer to the cure vats temp...temp variations or fluctuations also can create surface tension issues.
    Keep up the awesome work ...will be waiting to purchase one soon..
    Hear March whispering in the air!
    Last edited by Zephyr; 01-20-2015 at 08:35 AM.

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