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Type: Posts; User: clarityyy

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  1. Here is a bit of an update in the form of a...

    Here is a bit of an update in the form of a video:
    Looks pretty sweet!
  2. How would Students like to see 3D printer used in class?

    There is always so much talk about 3D printers making their way into classrooms. However, we never hear the students perspectives. I'm wondering how students would like to see 3D printers used in...
  3. Replies

    MOD-t Vs. MOTA?

    What scares me a bit is that MOTA just recently cancelled their Kickstarter program because they were unable to be able to make a 3D printer for under $400. This worries me because the MOD-t is...
  4. Looks like they are already selling and printing...

    Looks like they are already selling and printing a lot of these. Here is one guys I found on google...
  5. Is the 3D Printing Ecosystem moving toward that of Apps over PCs?

    It seems as though there is a huge push recently to put all the 3D printing software both in the cloud and on apps. I personally like being able to do it all from my laptop. Does anyone else feel...
  6. Replies

    Dutch Lion - Tiime lapse 3D print

    This shows off what the Ultimaker is capable of. Nonetheless this is a really cool dutch lion.
  7. They've announced that their KS campaign will be...

    They've announced that their KS campaign will be going live on Thursday the 26th. I'll be anxiously awaiting the price on this. I'd lvoe to have a 3D printer that takes pellets.
  8. This sounds very interesting. I find it odd that...

    This sounds very interesting. I find it odd that a company is using carbon nanotubes, but it doesn't make the material any stronger. I'd definitely love to try this stuff out. What's the pricing?
  9. Replies

    Normal Calibration Process?

    What are your guys normal calibration process once you have finished the building of your RepRap? My pal is just finishing his and he is clueless when it comes to calibrating it.
  10. Is this a deal? UP Plus 2 & UP Mini for $2,242.50?

    Guys, I just saw this deal, and was wondering if it was a good one.

    This company is apparently selling the UP Plus 2 for $2,242.50 but when you buy it you get an UP MINI for free. Is this a steal...
  11. Can I clean my extruder tip with a blowtorch?

    I hadn't thought about this, but I was reading about a guy that uses a blowtorch to clean his extruder tips. He said that it works really well for him. He just continues to heat the tip of the...
  12. Replies

    Sticky: I'd be willing to offer my MakerBot Replicator 2...

    I'd be willing to offer my MakerBot Replicator 2 :)
  13. Replies

    Quality of Recycled Filament?

    Has anyone here experimented with printing in recycled PLA? I'm wondering if it is worth getting a filastrooder or something similar. Does the filament loose any of its qualities when it is reused?...
  14. Replies

    I personally just store it in plastic wrap...

    I personally just store it in plastic wrap usually with some sort of cloth between the plastic wrap and filament. I store it in the coolest, driest place I possible can find. I usually don't have...
  15. Replies

    It looks like Hackaday...

    It looks like Hackaday has picked up this article from They ask the question:

    Has anyone tried this?
  16. Replies

    Video 3D Printing of RoboCop

    Found this very cool! Looks like they are 3D printing RoboCops suit!

    I can't wait til this movie comes out, and I'll enjoy it a lot more knowing...
  17. Does Gearify work for making 3D printable gears?

    Yesteday, my friend showed me this interesting piece of software called gearify ( It creates all kinds of cool gears, in just about any shape imaginable. Does...
  18. Replies

    Here is a new company that is printing items with...

    Here is a new company that is printing items with circuits in them. I was amazed when I saw this.

    It's a company named Rabbit Proto, and they...
  19. Replies

    Open Source 3D design tools?

    Hi, I just got a 3D printer and now I want to try my hand at designing some stuff. Does anyone know if there are any open source 3d design tools out there, that will allow me to design something and...
Results 1 to 19 of 19