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Type: Posts; User: BrunoPJones

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  1. Yes. But you said it wasnt newsworthy. He printed...

    Yes. But you said it wasnt newsworthy. He printed a firearm that holds up to repeated use of 22LR from a homemade printer.
    That is all that matters here. It is a major accomplishment.
  2. Yes. What he printed was the "Firearm". It is not...

    Yes. What he printed was the "Firearm". It is not "a regulated component of a firearm", it is THE firearm.

    The entire point of a printed firearm is to bypass government regulation and tracking. He...
  3. This certainly does deserve publicity. What this...

    This certainly does deserve publicity. What this person created was a 100% printed firearm.

    A firearm as defined by the ATF is simply the lower receiver. This is the only piece that is regulated,...
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