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Type: Posts; User: Obelix

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  1. Thank you, whirlybird. I will try Flashprint.

    Thank you, whirlybird. I will try Flashprint.
  2. Best slicer for Qidi Tech (Replicator Dual Clone)?

    I am using currently the Makerbot ( software as slicer.
    On most of my prints there is a problem with the lower 5-6 mm, primarily if there the part has rounded corners.
    I print mostly in...
  3. Replies

    Sticky: Thank you for your reply. What firmware version...

    Thank you for your reply.
    What firmware version is your Qidi running on, mine is running v7.8?
    What version of Makerbot are you using, mine is v3.8.11?
    What do you exactly mean by "restarting...
  4. Replies

    Sticky: My Qidi works fine in ReplicatorG. But I run...

    My Qidi works fine in ReplicatorG.
    But I run into problems with other SW that I downloded and tried.
    When I export files from Makerbot Desktop version 3.8.11 , it will not set the extruder temp in...
Results 1 to 4 of 4