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Type: Posts; User: wakorf

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  1. Nevermind, I guess the beta version of Cura for...

    Nevermind, I guess the beta version of Cura for sigma bcn doesn't let you change the infill pattern. Is there a way to modify the gcode somehow as a workaround?
  2. How to control the print direction of each layer individually?

    Is it possible to, for example, make each layer of a solid cube offset by a certain angle? Or maybe alternate layers between concentric squares and normal lines.
  3. Replies

    I am trying to make polycaprolactone filaments at...

    I am trying to make polycaprolactone filaments at 63 C. The only relevant thing I could find was which I was trying to emulate. I'll try without the water...
  4. Replies

    Help! Extruded filament not circular

    I am trying to create my own filaments with a filabot extruder however I cannot seem to get a uniformly round filament. I am passing the filament into a DIY water bath and diameter is about 2.85mm x...
Results 1 to 4 of 4