Each month we review CGTrader's top viewed and top downloaded models, which reveals much about the latest trends and tastes among 3D printing fans. After all, CG Trader is a web-based service devoted to makers and customers interested in uploading and downloading 3D printable models. You can sell your latest creation or buy a model to print, and this overview introduces readers to the hottest models of the month -- whether its the heads of a wolf or past U.S. presidents on Mt. Rushmore, armed cat figures riding unicorns, dinosaurs, chess sets, or R2D2 style robots. Check out the article for this month's top models and let us know if you have decided to download and print any of them out yourself. In fact, feel free to post pictures of those prints in the replies below: http://3dprint.com/60823/cg-trader-3d-printables

Below is a collage of some of the top models: