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Type: Posts; User: bitchin86

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  1. i put some thin ca glue on the threads and screw...

    i put some thin ca glue on the threads and screw in halfway in and let it dry, then twist it back out a little and set it. this makes it harder to turn but when its set i dont normaly turn it so no...
  2. Replies

    best pla i have used so far is from...

    best pla i have used so far is from 25 bucks im not sure what shipping is tho as i live like10 miles from them.
    on a side note some of the nicest guys/gal i havehad the chance to...
  3. Replies

    the best i have used is zeni kenetic...

    the best i have used is zeni kenetic pla,fillament, they are one company i know for sure makes there own fillament, black pla 3mm is the easiest to set up. plus the guys at there shop are super...
  4. Sticky: - What is the most interesting thing you have...

    - What is the most interesting thing you have seen done with a 3D printer or 3D printing technology?
    the most interesting thing i have seen would be the prostetics. everything from working...
Results 1 to 4 of 4