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Type: Posts; User: arroyo

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  1. The project is now live! What do you guys think?...

    The project is now live! What do you guys think?
  2. Thread: Backer Levels?

    by arroyo

    The exact levels are being worked out now but...

    The exact levels are being worked out now but you'll know soon. The project goes live in just over a week.

    Basically the software is open source and free. Here are some things that we will be...
  3. Once the print starts, you only need the printer...

    Once the print starts, you only need the printer connected to the box. The gcode file is local on the box. The box doesn't rely on Internet connectivity to perform the print. Does this answer your...
  4. @LambdaFF, Thanks so much for your words of...

    @LambdaFF, Thanks so much for your words of encouragement and suggestions.

    We are currently using Slic3r in our cloud slicer. In the near future we plan to add Cura & Makerbot. We feel that Slic3r...
Results 1 to 4 of 5