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  1. #1

    Help needed: layer shifting


    I have an Anycubic 4max pro with a warranty that just expired so I thought I would have a crack at reaching out for suggestions here.

    Actually I have an ongoing problem that has so far been unsolved by the tech support team at Anycubic.

    Anyway the problem is a familiar problem with a currently unknown solution. Basically I am getting layer shifts. However most of the usual fixes have been attempted. Drivers, belt.. etc... all seem fine.
    There is also one thing that I have noticed makes it unusual. Firstly I discovered that the printer head seems a bit stiff when I push it far to the far left along the x axis with my hand. This seems to coincide with the fact that the layer shifting only seems to happen on models that are wide along the x axis.
    This is evidenced by models that are tapered along the z axis. The image below shows a model I printed. it begins with a small volume area in the center and tapers outwards. once the model layer crosses the threshold along the x axis, layer shifts begin to happen.

    printfail line.jpg ... sp=sharing

    I should note that the x axis rods and bearings have all been replaced. If this problem is because of either of these, then something else must be damaging them and in turn causing the layer shifts.

    Does anybody have any thoughts or suggestions?

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impytus View Post

    I discovered that the printer head seems a bit stiff when I push it far to the far left along the x axis with my hand.
    As you have stated the X-Axis seems a bit stiff when moved to far left this can be caused by binding.
    This could mean that to smooth rod holder are out of alignment. Remove the binding nd you solve the problem.

    And this is what I would call warranty fraud because if you told them of the problem before and they never could fix it.
    As it was reported previous to end of warranty then it still should be replaced under warranty for a lemon law replacement...

  3. #3
    Thankyou for your response,

    Could you elaborate what you mean by "binding"?

    Also I suspected warranty fraud too. I have sent them a message stating as such. I'm not too sure on how the laws all work. I believe Anycubic is based in China and I am in the UK so I'm not sure how the international laws apply here. Either way I have a feeling they aren't going to make it easy which is ultimately why I asked for help here..... I just want my printer to work properly.

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impytus View Post
    Thankyou for your response,

    Could you elaborate what you mean by "binding"?

    Also I suspected warranty fraud too. I have sent them a message stating as such. I'm not too sure on how the laws all work. I believe Anycubic is based in China and I am in the UK so I'm not sure how the international laws apply here. Either way I have a feeling they aren't going to make it easy which is ultimately why I asked for help here..... I just want my printer to work properly.
    Say you have a pair of smooth rods they are in parallel, what would happen if the smooth rods got too close to each other,
    They would bind and the same would happen if the smooth rods got to far apart.

    I know my stepper motors can not stand very much binding or it will cause the stepper motor to miss steps.

    Can you see what binding is now!!!

  5. #5
    I really wish that made it clearer. I understand what you mean by binding, I'm just not sure what it pertains to on my printer specifically:

    Can you identify in this image what binding is? Or is it something on the printer head itself?

    Thank you for your patience with me.

  6. #6
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Measure the distance between the smooth rods at 3 locations MIN, Center and MAX on the X-Axis to See where they are not parallel.
    Larger or Smaller gap between the smooth rods.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Impytus View Post
    Also I suspected warranty fraud too. I have sent them a message stating as such. I'm not too sure on how the laws all work. I believe Anycubic is based in China and I am in the UK so I'm not sure how the international laws apply here.
    The applicable law is "Caveat emptor" - "Let the buyer beware"; in other words, as it's bought from a Chinese company working from China (even though usually purchased through a 3rd party agent) there is no applicable law, hence no law is violated, hence no fraud!
    Things bought internationally are entirely at the buyer's risk, unless the retailer has a (subsidiary with) a formal UK incorporation registered with Companies House.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberts_Clif View Post
    Measure the distance between the smooth rods at 3 locations MIN, Center and MAX on the X-Axis to See where they are not parallel. Larger or Smaller gap between the smooth rods.
    I don't have any micro level way of measuring accurately but using a ruler and by eye it would appear the rods are evenly spaced, the same measurements all along the steel rods.

  9. #9
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Then I proposse another way to get your 3D Printer working.

    Great Bearing Cleaning video

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberts_Clif View Post
    Then I proposse another way to get your 3D Printer working.Great Bearing Cleaning video
    Aha ok I'm not surprised by this suggestion. Something I forgot to mention is that the bearings also make various horrible sounds whenever the printer moves left of the midway point along the x axis. You could very well be onto something here. I'll have to get one of these ultrasonic cleaner things though. Will any work? they seem to vary in price quite a bit.Ughhh not looking forward to removing the bearings again, its a big job.... but needs must.

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