Tyler Manee and Tyler Dunham are orthotics and prosthetics specialists who caught wind of 3D printing and are running with it. The two specialists, trained in the traditional practices of making orthotics and prosthetics, have trained themselves in 3D modeling and 3D printing over the past two years. They have now produced 50 3D printed samples of orthotics and prosthetics and are ready to move to the next phase in actually using a 3D printer in their practice to fit their patients with better products. They have launched their Kickstarter campaign in hopes to raise $9K to spend exactly that on a 3D printer with a build plate large enough for their 3D printed orthotics and prosthetics. For more details, check out the full article: http://3dprint.com/37832/prosthetic-orthotics-3d-print/

Below is a photo of some of the prothetics: