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  1. #1

    Feedstock Multiplier

    Hi again.

    I had a problem with the left extruder from new and eventually had a replacement sent and fitted it.
    I calibrated the extrusion by measuring the filament (1.67mm) and started with a feedstock multiplier of 1.
    The results are quite good. (ABS - 225deg, bed 110deg)

    Using the same filament in the right extruder, with the same settings the print is a mess. I have to increase the feedstock multiplier a huge amount to start getting better results.
    1.3 provides reasonable results.
    As I understand it increasing the multiplier reduces the amount of plastic extruded, by telling the software that the feedstock is larger than it is. If I'm correct then the need for such a large multiplier can't due to a restricted nozzle., in fact the opposite - the machine is putting more through the right nozzle than the left with the same settings - much more.

    Is the need for this huge multiplier common, or could there be another issue? (I've checked all other settings are the same for both extruders)
    I'm using Makerware

  2. #2
    Super Moderator
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    What did you print to calibrate?

  3. #3
    20mm cube 10% infill
    20mm cube 100% infill

  4. #4
    Super Moderator
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    Not really enough info to say 1 way or another on this. Feed stock is what it is. Could be a slightly different nozzle height, could be slightly different orifice size. But ya, that Feedstock setting is pretty sensitive. Usually a bump up no more than 1.08 or down to no less than .92 is all that is needed to even things out. Moving all the way to 1.3 makes me think that there are some loose connections to the main board, but usually the problem would go the other way.

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