3DPrint.com has covered hundreds of exciting stories about the 3D printing space over the last year. Our site has only been up for 11 months, and in that time not only have we grown from a 2-man show to a fully staffed operation complete with some great freelancers, the industry has been growing up before our very eyes. One of 3DPrint.com's founders, Brian, has compiled a rundown of 14 of the biggest stories from '14. From low-cost, high-function prosthetics to a 3D printed car to a 3D printed estate to literally out-of-this-world 3D printing, we've seen some impressive 3D printed creations. Check them out in the full article: http://3dprint.com/30482/3d-printing-2014/

What was your favorite 3D printing story of 2014? Let's hear it!