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  1. #1

    Cura AND Creator Pro?

    Hey everybody, I've had my Creator Pro for a few months now and absolutely love it but I've tooled around enough the Makerbot software. I've never used the RepG software and don't plan too but I was wondering how I set up Cura on it?

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    you don't.
    All gcode for flashforge printers (not dreamer that's got a whole set of it's own issues) needs to be passed through gpx for processing.
    And while there is - supposedly - a gpx plugin for cura, I don't know anyone who's managed to either find it or get it working once they have.

    The only program I know of where gpx actually works is simplify 3d. And I occasionally get some weird results from that as well.

    There are a number of tutorials for using gpx with slic3r - but most of us who follow them can't get it to work :-)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    GPX was actually really super easy to setup with Slic3r when I tried. GPX - shows how to set everything up, just skip to the Slic3r part.

    If i remember correctly, you just move the GPX file into the Slic3r main folder and then set it to run in the "output" options in slic3r settings.

    -I'm not sure about Cura, never tried that one. Upgraded to S3D this Christmas

  4. #4
    couldnt you just copy the gcode from cura to Repg or maker software then export that gcode as x3g? does that work?

  5. #5
    I could do that dunginhawk but I think I'm gonna go the route of getting Simplify3d.

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