Hello, I'm new to this site but I haven't been able to find anyone with this problem on here or anywhere else online.

I'm using Makerbot Desktop v3.3 on Windows 8.1. I'm trying to export a print file so I can load it on an SD card for printing. For some reason, every item I try to export gets stuck in the "Preparing" stage. It goes slowly up to around 17%, then just lingers. I left it open all weekend and by the end of a few days it was only up to 20%.

This problem just started out of nowhere one day and I have not been able to resolve it. I have successfully exported hundreds of files in the past. I know it's not an issue with the object I'm printing because I have the problem with anything I put on the print bed. I have tried uninstalling/updating the Makerbot Desktop software, rebooting, even disabling my anti-virus, but nothing solves the problem.

Has anyone else had this problem? If so, how did you fix it? If not, do you have any ideas?