Let me introduce a leading researcher in the application of computer technologies to create visualisations of data - Paul Bourke.

Paul Bourke is the associate director of the iVEC facility at the University of Western Australia. His research interests include visualisation, computer graphics, geometric algortihms, and digital image processing. During his career he has worked in positions where he concentrated on architectural, brain/medical, and astronomy visualisation. Of particular interest are engaging and immersive display technologies and how they may be used to support scientific visualisation, employed for public outreach and education, and used to create novel exhibits for museums and other public spaces.

Paul has recently been providing some advice and direction for the discussion going on in this forum dealing with supertoroids http://3dprintboard.com/showthread.php?8855-Need-some-geometry-help

While his help was much appreciated, it opened up a whole new world of data visualisation and preservation of cultural heritage. I recommend you to his blog where there are links to his work .
http://paulbourke.net/ Look at the miscellaneous tab.

Old Man Emu