I'm really hyped about Repetier offering an adaptive bed distortion compensation. Lets you make a height matrix of the bed and during the print it moves the bed in Z axis to compensate for any warping (which a lot of people seem to have on Creators).

I also think the boards are based on Arduino Mega, and they seem to have an additional unused fan slot and some other pins, like unused microSD card slot, etc. Depends on version I think. Getting an extruder blower for these printers controlled from Gcode would be awesome, but original firmware does not support this.

Did anyone try to flash Repetier firmware on these? Does anyone have a pinout map for those electronics that could be used with Repetier firmware? I know it's compatible with the ATMega that sits on those boards.

If Sailfish works with these, and there is a source for Sailfish floating around, could that pin map be reused with Repetier firmware?