From Wikipedia ( )

OpenSCAD is a free software application for creating solid 3D CAD objects. It is not an interactive modeler, but rather a 3D-compiler. OpenSCAD reads from a script and renders a3D model from it. It does constructive solid geometry (CSG). The results can be rendered into 3D STL files. OpenSCAD allows a designer to create accurate 3D models and parametric designs that can be easily adjusted by changing the parameters. OpenSCAD is a non-visual, programmer-oriented solid modeling tool. OpenSCAD has been recommended as an entry-level CAD tool for designing open source hardware such as scientific tools for research and education.

The program can be obtained from here: and there are lots of tutorial videos on Youtube (some good, some bad) which provide an introduction to using the program. At first glance, OpenScad looks to be a good program for designing things in the Art Deco style. A lot of members here who are more experienced in creating objects swear by OpenScad. On the other hand, there are other members whose thinking is more in the Art Nuveau style who prefer the Blender type of software. I don't want to start a discussion about which sytle is better. We are an eclectic lot here, and accept all comers.

THE REASON for starting this thread is to provide a Help Centre for those who want to learn how to use OpenScad. Just pose your question using the [GO ADVANED] page so that you can create a title for your question. The Help posse is not too far away.

Old Man Emu