I've literally had my printer weeks and its already having problems.

This is my first printer.. Maybe I'm doing something wrong...

It's been printing these... waves.

It works fine on smaller scale prints.. but when it comes to larger scale prints it just doesn't work.

First of all, I haven't even put one roll of filament through this thing...

I've had multiple plugs and issues.

Issue number one. Build plate leveling.
I swear this thing isn't even designed to be leveled. I have tried using the assisted leveling like 50 times and its great on small scale prints but when it comes to anything large scale it sucks. If I'm not printing with a raft the right had side of the build plate doesn't even come close to sticking to the print.

Issue number two. Wavey prints.
So I get printing an nice flat blank area.. see the problem with that is... it just doesn't do that. I get this stupid thing happening where the filament coming out of the extruder head sticks to the top edge of the of the previous laid line and then gets lifted before it ever touches the Raft, the previous layer, or the base of the print surface. Pictures attached.

Issue number Three. After thinking that I had Problem number two solved.. I get an extruder 57 error.

So heres what I've tried:

Problem 1
No Idea. I guess for large scale I'll just have to print with rafts for the rest of time.

Problem 2
I've tried:
Heating the Temp of the print from 215ºc to 230ºc
Slowing the extruding rate
leveling, and leveling, and leveling and leveling the print surface.
attaching and detaching the smart extruder.

Problem 3.
I have no idea.

Any help is greatly appreciated