From what I've seen the "United" in USA is a myth so I would expect people to identify by state.

I have worked a lot in the US so a few quips to think about.

In 2000 I was in Cebit, immediately prior to that I was in Miami and one of the guys I was working with came to see us at Cebit, he was almost 60 years old and had never left The States. This guy was as Southern as anyone I have ever met. He flew into Berlin and had to hire a car to drive to Hanover. I met him about half way and we ate and stayed in a hotel for a night. The first thing he said to me when I asked how he found things was "they have flushing toilets".

1993 in Missouri and was a witness to a car accident. This was exactly on the Kansas City / not Kansas City border so police from the city and police from "not the city" attended ( I don't know what you call them, state troopers or something? Anyway the open hostility between these two different departments of police was something I found quite startling. If they are so hostile to each other how the hell do they solve inter-state crimes.

In South Africa the people of Dutch descent call themselves Dutch (Boers) but everyone else calls themselves South African.

My wife's uncle used to be a salesman for a company that make dummies (pacifiers?) and the ones that went to America were bigger than those for the rest of the world so that is just the proof that Americans have big mouths. << A fact but please don't be upset by it, hopefully it will make someone smile.

Of all the people in the world the US speaks more correct English than any other place including England. It's a goddam crime that Webster made a dictionary with incorrect spelling just so that he would be remembered.