Hello, I'm a student at Columbus State Community College. I am writing a report comparing 3D printer filament extruders. Sources of information on these devices are limited. Because of this I’ve decided to seek help from the users in the form of these survey.

Please, if you own and/or use one of these devices, click the corresponding link at the bottom of this post. This should take you to a survey on surveymonkey.com. These surveys are only four questions long and are multiple choice. I have split them into two surveys so that an individual that owns and/or uses both extruders may give input on both of them. If you only own and/or use one of these extruders, only fill out the survey for the one you own and/or use. They are clearly labeled and have corresponding pictures. Each survey also refers to which device the survey is asking about in each question so there will hopefully be no confusion.

Thank you for your time.

Filabot Survey

Filastruder Survey