FF Creator pro running sailfish 7.7 with programs generated by makerware and run off the SD card. I've only done 2 dual extrusion prints so far and unless I can figure this out probably won't do any more. My right extruder (currently loaded with white abs) works fine when it prints on its own. My left extruder (red abs) also works fine on its own. When hot, both leak a little material though the left does so much more than the right. This has never been a problem until I try to print with both heads in the same job. Even with the makerware barrier walls in place, and capturing strands of plastic, the left head oozes enough that I end up with little blobs of red plastic all over my print. This creates two problems, one, my prints suck because the white plastic is "stained" with red and two, the little blobs occaisionally stick to the nozzle and drag through the print making an absolute mess of things. I don't believe it to be a nozzle height issue because I can print with either side alone with no issues of dragging, it's only when I try to print with both sides on one job. Is there something I should be looking at in terms of the extruder itself? A profile change to increase retract of material on that side? Like most of the other issues I've had with this machine so far (thankfully not very many) the problem seems to be more prevalent during the early layers of each build. As I get into higher and higher layers the barrier wall does it's job and I don't have any more blobs in the print.

temps, 230/230/110 (left/right/bed)
speeds, 70/90
infill 20%
layer height doesn't seem to matter but I mostly print at .2mm
2 shells
no raft or supports when possible.