Polish-based 3D printer manufacturer 3NOVATICA has just provided additional details on their forthcoming PROFABB 3D printer. The printer which will be priced at around $3,500 will go on sale in December. Included are many premium features such as an enclosed build chamber, extruder cooling systems, and safety features. More details on this 3D printer can be found here: http://3dprint.com/19325/3novaticas-profabb-3d-printer

Below are some of the general specifications of the PROFABB:
  • Build Envelope: 220 x 200 x 230 mmpro3
  • Filament Diameter: 1.75 mm
  • Filament Types: ABS, PLA, Laywood, Laybrick etc.
  • Nozzle Diameter: 0.5 mm