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  1. #1

    Print not sticking to base plate?

    Hi all..
    I have an Anycubic Photon Mono 2 and so far Ive only printed very small components/objects (around 5mm x 10mm in volumes of maybe 50) but many times the print fails or semi fails because it does not fully stick to the base, and half/part of it has unstuck during printing
    I am using Anycubic 3d printer resin
    I want to print a much larger object which will be two solid blocks one with dimensions of (130mm x 50mm x 15mm) with 1mm holes through it, and another a little smaller (100mm x 30mm x 8mm), and so both will fit on base (143mm x 89mm)
    Ive played around with settings but Im not sure if they are correct (see attached pics)
    Can anyone please advise why its not sticking to base plate, and do I need to change some settings?
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