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  1. #1

    creality ender 3 v2 not extruding filament properly

    I dont know if this is an issue with the filament or the printer itself because when it starts printing its extruding very weirdly and the bed is adhesive i havent had many bad prints onthis bed but i dont think its the slice because i have printed this file many times. Basically, the filament is extruding unevenely and the filament is not sticking to the bed and it looks like hte bed is leveled too high u p but when i lower it the filament comes off. Here is a video and photo.Also i am starting it with a different filament which sticks better, so its probably the filament but then i dont know what to do, should i put it in an oven?IMG_2244.jpglink to video and gif off the printing to get better detail anyone with link can access on goggle drive

  2. #2
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Could be the nozzle is too close to the bed.....perhaps adjust the "z" offset in +0.02 increments.
    Print a bed leveling test to check.
    Clean extruder filament gear teeth for ground filament.
    Perhaps fit a new nozzle.

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