Hi all. I'm new to this forum. I have been running an AnyCubic Mega X for quite a while now. It's a decent enough machine but I am doing a lot of printing for work and now I am looking for one for the company to purchase to leave there and print whenever I need to. So it will be on the company's dime, but we're not looking to spend a fortune. Honestly I only print things sporatically (maybe once or twice a week). The Mega X has a good bed size for what we do and I definitely don't want to go smaller than that. I almost exclusively print with PLA. I'm looking for suggestions on new machines. It sounds like the new ones print a fair amount faster. I'm running mine around 70-80mm/sec. I'm seeing a lot of 200-300 mm/sec advertised. That speed would definitely come in handy. I would need to keep it under $800 for sure, preferably less. I'm all ears. Thanks.