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Thread: Efficient fan

  1. #1

    Efficient fan

    I have a Creality 6-SE which has problems when running overhang tests. I believe the printer isn't cooling the melted PLA fast enough. I tried a different fan nozzle: but the result with that was worse.Anybody have a suggestion for a more efficient fan that will fit mechanically and electrically in my printer?

  2. #2
    gravity sucks!

  3. #3
    At about 88 degrees the threads fall


  4. #4
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Perhaps you need to go slower for overhangs which will give the filament more time to cool and set

  5. #5
    Nice idea. Is there a command for "when the slope exceeds 80 degrees, go slower"?

  6. #6
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Dunno, I think in Prusa slicer if you put overhangs in the search it might come up with something ?
    There must be You tube videos on overhang problems.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Bikeracer2020 View Post
    Dunno, I think in Prusa slicer if you put overhangs in the search it might come up with something ?
    There must be You tube videos on overhang problems.
    I never watch YouTube. They all contain one hour of useless bragging when you can read the context message in 2 seconds in a proper post. Thanks anyway!

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